

Although this is not, technically, an article about LDS beliefs, I felt the need to share it here. This is an English translation I have done of a hymn from the Church's French hymn book. The tune is from Dvorak's New World Symphony. The first three verses were written by the French Linguistic Committee of the Church, and the fourth was written by a brother in my ward when I was in university, Brother Jeffrey Mulligan. The translation was sent to the Church's Music Committee in Salt Lake and I received a reply saying that it was being held for future consideration. Who knows...

There is a full size image here of a version with the music from the Original French, roughly adapted to the English version.

O My Child

O, my child, d’you recall,

not so long ago,

Heav’nly Parents held you tight

all their love to show?

Now, my child, you are here,

glorious to see;

for your face still doth shine

with rays heavenly.

Speak to me, o, my child,

of that blessed home.

For to you the veil is thin,

your mem’ry can roam.

O, my child, d’you recall

cities lakes and tree?

And can we, here below,

even picture these?

And the sky, is it red

with the coming night?

Do thick clouds of snow and rain

hide the sun so bright?

Please tell me, o my child,

the colours of the trees,

and the birds overhead

singing so softly.

O, my child, d’you recall,

at the dawn of time,

how we played joyfully?

You were a friend of mine.

Then one day, you and I

made a choice so grand,

to accept from the Lord

His eternal plan.

On that eve, o, my child,

we promised solemnly

we’d return, faith intact,

together, you and me.

O my child, d’you recall

Royal courts on high,

Where we may, with the Lord,

Once again be nigh?

Here to Earth, you have come,

To be tried by God,

Will your faith keep you near

To his word, his rod?

Follow me as a child”

Was his tender plea.

For the truth of our God

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